welp, we just wrapped up the start on the street yesterday, thanks to all who came by and said nice things and bought nice things (esp the shirts that nicole did a great job of silkscreening). and lastly, thanks to all the inexplicably bizarre weirdos (you know who you are), you kept the day interesting and uncomfortable, nice job!
again, i spent the day doing penny illustrations. last year, i made 27¢. this year i'm not sure, the accounting system got a little messed at the end of the day, but the grand total was somewhere between 55¢ and 60¢.

people put "anything" to the test. here's a list of the requests:
•7 portraits ("draw me!")
•a pony
•a dolphin
•a daisy
•a squid
•a cthulu
•a dragon
•a rabbit with bat wings
•3 zombies, one eating a hot dog
•someone being disemboweled
•a monkey in a diaper
•a monkey chasing a dinosaur
•the world tree
•the car bonnie and clyde died in
•lenin's body, lying in state
•"something with nipples"
•the father of god
•darth vader
•sponge bob
•president lincoln, giving the thumbs-up
•an oak tree
•jack skellington
•a turtle, to which i added wheels
•a girl riding a ghoul through space
•a ufo kidnapping a cow
•a ufo kidnapping 3 people
•an earth-bot, a robot made out of the planet earth
•a popcorn kernel
•a stuffed animal, produced from a woman's purse
•a ramones t-shirt
•a demon tree
•an alien
•a male fairy
•a racecar (i drew dale jr's)
i'll remember more later...
That's an awesome idea.
i believe i'm still waiting for the 'super Oliver' portrait...from LAST year.
dollar coin next time you deserve more.
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