May 22, 2009

The Flock

I've been doing T-shirts for the 80's tribute Flock of Assholes. I don't usually post this kind of photosoppey, designey stuff, it's so outside of my usual fare, but what the heck...

May 20, 2009

Back to Gonzo's

Got a lot of housekeeping to do this week. Lot of projects have been languishing around the midsection of the to-do list. Here's the final black (or if not black, key color) artwork for the Gonzo's Mustard poster, got some more work to do with adding/choosing a second color...More pages for Blood are on the way too.

As always, click to enlarge.

May 13, 2009

Blood in the Water Page 2

Haven't been getting as far as I'd hoped with this's page 2. This experiment is tougher than I expected. I still have a lot to figure out.

More here.

May 6, 2009

Blood in the Water Page 1

Here's my first page. It's a bit denser than usual, and I'm probably going to have to pull back on the detail a bit lest my head explode. As always, click to enlarge.

May 1, 2009


Writing a short crime story right now, trying to round out the portfolio and shake the zombie-guy rep. Fun as the zombie stuff is (and easy) I need more challenge and want to show more range.

It's a simple story, crash and grab, femme fatale, double cross, explosions. One of the stars of the story is going to be 1970-80's model Ford Econoline. A bulky, solid workhorse with tired headlamps from the day it was factory fresh, I love this monster. The only ride in the last 50 years with Bogart's eyes and Lee Marvin's jaw.