Writing a short crime story right now, trying to round out the portfolio and shake the zombie-guy rep. Fun as the zombie stuff is (and easy) I need more challenge and want to show more range.
It's a simple story, crash and grab, femme fatale, double cross, explosions. One of the stars of the story is going to be 1970-80's model Ford Econoline. A bulky, solid workhorse with tired headlamps from the day it was factory fresh, I love this monster. The only ride in the last 50 years with Bogart's eyes and Lee Marvin's jaw.
My earliest memories of my parents were getting candy from them in a van like that
You gotta sit down and watch some classic Noir man-- that'll fuel you up.
Yeah, I have a pretty steady diet. Watched Night of the Hunter a few weeks ago, and I have Killer's Kiss, and a whole bunch more and I watch Bound pretty much every day, in my head.
Night of the Hunter is the greatest!
Can't wait to see what you create next :)
Definitely. Robert Mitchum is one scary mf.
Gotta recommend Odd Man Out, while not quite a traditional Crime Noir, takes place in Ireland, and the only crime really takes place in the first few minutes. Regardless, it still has the best, most iconic visuals I've seen so far.
I can't wait to see this!
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