I got my MacBook Pro in late 2007. Bought a spare battery with it, because I often travel, having the extra 3-4 hours of battery life is definitely worth it. Well, I haven't actually needed it that much, and one of my batteries seemed to get hot all the time. This made me nervous, so I set it aside, put it in my drawer where I haven't touched it in more than 6 months, maybe a year. I opened the drawer today and voilá! Four of the six flat, spooled battery cells have decided to become cylindrical-shaped spooled battery cells, and in the process have popped open the casing for the overall unit. Not sure if they are toxic, acidic or whatever, all I know is they are delicious. Little marinara, some capers, fresh ground pepper and fresh grated parmesan. Don't bother with that pre-grated parmesan cheese, go for the real stuff. And take small bites, don't let your tongue touch + and - at the same time. Bon frigging appétit.

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