Jun 1, 2010

Dear Worcester

When it rains and the city floods, don't act all surprised. This might be the last place on earth that it's ok to just throw trash everywhere.

I walk a lot. And I see cars open their windows and pop shit out almost every day. I see cars pull over, open the door and dump shit on the ground. Every time I read a paper or a blog, I see 'Worcester deserves this,' and 'Worcester deserves that'. Boo-hoo. Worcester 'deserves' the mess it's made of itself.


Nicole said...

I usually pick that stuff up.

kid-rolla said...

Then you're a better Nicole than I...

I'm not about to walk someone elses trash a mile to my house. Especially since it's a losing battle, there will be just as much shit there tomorrow. Plus it's gross and dirty and why should I have to touch someone elses gross and dirty trash? Pick, the F up after yourselves.

I remember having to make "Don't litter" poems and posters and freakin diaramas growing up. How do we teach people to give a crap about their neighborhoods now?

Nicole said...

Ugh -- I didn't want to make it sound like I'm a saint. And it tends to be a lot easier for me because I'm pushing a double stroller, so it all goes in the bottom basket of the stroller.

What fascinates me as I walk are the households where people don't pick up the space in front of their house, or across the street. I know if I had to look at that, I'd collect it on trash day so I wouldn't have to...

abnormalbrain said...


Pete said...

i sweep the street that is in front of my house every year, sometime it comes out good and other times not so good, but i know that it makes a difference, I know, i still pay taxes, i know the town sends out the sweepers,but at the end of the day it is important to me because i like where i live. more people talk about Bull shit all the time ,but you have to pick up you broom once in a while, i know trash attracts trash no matter where you live.