Feb 24, 2009


Sorry, no zombies this time. Besides, robots beats zombies any day. Ashley Wood is a great artist, but seriously robots can't catch zombie germs.

That's just silly.

Feb 23, 2009

Soon, soon...

Here's a preview, the first page from my next little story... lots of other stuff to post, so much I'm trying to wrap up right now...

Feb 16, 2009

No, nothing right now Mr. Herman.

On the table right now...something I've been wanting to do for a while...

Feb 9, 2009

New York Comic Con

Just got back from another constructive trip to the NY Comic Con. More news as it unfolds, but for now, feel free to enjoy this pic of me and Rob Liefeld.

Hee hee.

Feb 3, 2009

New Short Story is Complete

...but I can't post it here until it goes to press. Giving it for free would undercut the print project. I promise to post the whole thing on this page soon.

If you'd like to petition a private viewing, just let me knowski. I can make it HAPPEN.