Dec 13, 2017


I was asked recently why I changed the business name from Abnormalbrain to Make/Believe. 

Generally, I always felt like A/B was too derivative. It had the silly/monstery/fun aspect that I liked, but was too directly derived from the old Mel Brooks film, and it often required explanation. 

More importantly, A/B played into this situation that always irritated me: the idea that I was a weirdo because I made stuff. As a kid, any time I'd draw something weird or complex, or even just time-intensive, someone would inevitably ask, 'what kind of drugs were you doing?' That was always so derisive, and usually from a person who had rarely bothered to try and make anything. A person who was lazy, of thought and deed. 

In reality, those of us who can’t help but create, we vastly outnumber those who don't.

M/B is a self-assertion. It's positive, hopeful, and forward-looking. It also clearly alludes to the magic of children’s imaginations, which is has become the specialty of my business. 

People like all of us, we can think anything, we can make anything. 

Dec 7, 2017

Hephaestus Skateboard

Commission for a friend. 
Sharpie on wood skate deck...from this sketch a few days ago...

< click to enflame >

Dec 6, 2017


Looks like I'm using lots of Marvel fan art in the new 2018 calendar. Here's a #Venom page. I always like to draw this character to get my hands in shape. Some anatomy, but mostly teeth and tongue and spit and goopy tendrils. The unrepentant joy of fun for fun's sake.

Dec 4, 2017

more works in progress

Working on a calendar page based around the two most interesting features of my current home of Providence RI: HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos and the so-called "Superman Building"...

Dec 1, 2017

galactus/surfer fun

sketchy sketch, save for later...

Nov 22, 2017

Quick Hephaestus sketch

More of a composition. 10minutes or so.

Nov 20, 2017

Delorean finishes

Click to view at 88.8 mph.

Oct 28, 2017


Click to enlarge...

Oct 6, 2017


I doubt I'm going to be able to pull one off every day, but I'll give it a shot...

Feb 18, 2017

Twenty Seventeen

So, while it's become a bit of a joke that I never got my calendars together this year, but enough people have been asking for one that I finally got one together...what the hell, there's still 10 months left, right?

I just got the first batch in, and the colors and the printing look absolutely amazing. AND if you're interested in ordering one, I got the price down to just under $7 per calendar (use coupon code GLOFEB20 at checkout).

Feb 5, 2017

Jan 29, 2017

creature double feature

...for October. Hopefully be done by then.
Click to enrage.

Jan 26, 2017

Creature clipping...

Micro-tiny clipping of a new piece.

Jan 9, 2017

Jan 4, 2017


These are always fun...from just a doodle.