Jun 26, 2012

As promised...

As promised, here are more images from the Cthulhu game I mentioned earlier. Check out the game, available from Looney Labs. They're great people, a small, smart, family-owned company. Available August 17th, so check your local comics or gaming shop!

Jun 1, 2012

And in Cthulhu news...

Looks like I can finally blabber about this one...A few months back I illustrated the new version of Fluxx, Cthulhu Fluxx. In the process, I got a full education on the subject matter. I have to admit though, it's a challenge to draw universe-spanning, tentacled space gods in an area that's two inches square...

I'll post some more of the art soon. I'll have to dig through, I think I finished it in March, which seems like forever ago...

StART is NOT this weekend!

UPDATE! Just found out that StART is going to be postponed to next weekend, due to imminent inclement weather.
Also, here's a better pic of the new shirt...click to enlarge.

Just finished some new shirts for StART this NEXT Sunday...12-5 Green Street, in sunny beautiful Worcester, Mass.

I will be bringing lots of other pretty things as well. See you there.