Aug 30, 2015

Coma, the Doof Warrior, from Mad Max: Fury Road

Or as it should be called, Furiosa Road. I know I'm late to the game with the Mad Max fan art, but fuck it, I can't get enough of this movie.

And I know it's a bit cryptic, but yes it does say 'Mad Max' someplace. If you can find it, cool. If not, you can click here for the cheat.  


Aug 16, 2015

Batman Fluxx Poster

Here's a poster I did a while back for DC Comics and Looney Labs. This has a fold in the middle and will also be used as a magazine ad, so there's a vertical space right up the middle where I didn't want anything vital. What I decided to do was to divide the space into two warring halves, good guys and bad guys. And like my Regular Show poster, I wanted to have the characters facing off with Fluxx cards in hand. Here's my AI vector sketch. 

Unfortunately, due to corporate guidelines, characters cannot touch product or logos (notice how close Robin gets to the Fluxx logo without touching). So realizing that, I decided the faceoff still worked, even without the cards. Here's what we ended up with: 

As always, click to enlarge.

Aug 5, 2015

Coma Doof

Rough idea for a Fury Road poster, and I know if I post it up here, I'll have some pressure on me to finish it...this is just thumbnails and computer lines thrown together. I think I don't want fire coming out of the guitar, maybe dripping fuel...we'll see.