Dec 23, 2008

Push Push!

...boy am I getting comfortable with being pushy!

I just ordered a second batch, so I'll have some more soon. But, if you want one for xmas, I have 3 left for immediate gratification. Everyone who has gotten a calendar loves it, which means just one thing:
You guys are very polite.

And as always, you can order directly from the site (all print problems have been resolved).

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Dec 17, 2008

Calendars are IN!

And they look good. Comment or email me to get ahold of one. $20 in person (covers my shipping and rush costs). Also, the Lulu link is now in good standing...

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Anyone interested, could come by the house, or the Lucky Dog tonight when we do our Mr Smartass Theater tonight (Santa Conquers the Martians). Wow! Hoopla! Zing!

Dec 15, 2008

Back in Business

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Gosh. What a long day.


I'm reposting the calendars today. What a headache. And I'm buying a new rush-order batch, to replace the ones that people have bought directly from the site. Awaiting to hear from Lulu to see if they can help me out at all with this. Let me know if you bought directly from the site, and I will replace your bass-ackward copy. Apologies.

This just got expensive.

STOP THE PRESSES has messed up the print-job. More to come...

Dec 12, 2008

So, About Lulu's Print/Ship Schedule...

It's just not cutting it. 3-5 days to print...then regular shipping? F that. Especially before Christmas.

SO. I bit the bullet and paid the rush cost on a pile of calendars. If you want to come by and pick one up, or make any other arrangement with me, I should have calendars in-hand on either Monday or Tuesday ($20, includes shipping, rush, etc).

Just comment here or email me.

Dec 11, 2008


Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Netflix: If you don't like Fox News...

Netflix: If you don't like Fox News, you're clearly a homosexual.

Being such a big John Waters/ Divine fan, I'm surprised I have only one recommendation in the Gay and Lesbian category. And seriously, what heterosexual male doesn't love Bound?

Dec 10, 2008

The Christmas Tree

I'm reposting this because it is the funniest thing ever...

And I highly recommend the other videos from this guy.

Dec 9, 2008

Greatest Hits 2009

It's all here folks, just in time for the holidays! Wowee, all your favorite hits, in calendar form!

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

You'll get all your favorites, like Mr. Explodey-Head!

Saucy Fish Lady!

Night of the Farming Dead!

And all the rest!
Only $16 dollars bucks!

Also, this is the only other calendar that anyone else has for sale this year:

Your choice.
Clicky below:

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

Dec 5, 2008

Pop Euphoria!

Besides me having a piece in this...

It's going to be an amazing show. I'm blown away by the stuff I've seen so far. That kind of compliment doesn't come easily from me. Come by and check out this awesome show Saturday evening. I'm really looking forward to it.

6-9 pm, December 6th at ArtsWorcester
660 Main Skreet, Worsta

Wear your silliest t-shirt.

Dec 2, 2008

Ed Roth Style Poster

I've been pushing this one back for a while now and finally got a chance to start on it. It's for a rockabilly group out of NYC, and they were looking for a retool of an existing image, based off of a Ed Roth Rat Fink style illustration. After about 20 thumbnail sketches I've come up with this…

The design is really busy, but I think the large black areas will calm it down a bit. I'm still not crazy about how the girl looks, but I'm good with the overall direction. And after an hour inking in Illustrator, I'm happier with her...she looks a little like one of Vince Ray's girls.

Updates to come.